Friday, December 5, 2008

What the #$%^ is love all about?

Why do people fall in love?

What is it that makes one person love another person? Have you ever walked through a Walmart and looked at a couple and wondered “What did she see in him?”…or “What did he see in her?” Or…."Dang…..she has a thicker beard than he does!”

What I mean is….what causes one person to fall in love with another? Is it similarities? “Hey…I live in a van down by the river and love pancakes….you live in a tent and like road kill…let’s merge.” Or….”Hey, you drive a pickup truck….I like getting drunk and passing out in the back of pickup trucks….we should hang out.”

Maybe it’s just hanging around each other for a long time. Ya go to work and see each other every day. Pretty soon you start talking to each other because nobody else will. Then ya meet in the break room….share stories…..then share the same coffee cup….then ya just get to the point where you’re so sick of each other you might as well get married and have ugly kids.

Have ya ever fallen so in love with someone that every moment he or she permeates your thoughts…that it drives ya crazy that ya can’t be with him or her every day…that you can’t talk with him or her. Every day you are so much in love with that person that it makes you sick?! Me neither. Ok I lied. I hate that feeling.

Love is wonderful and not on purpose. That’s why it’s called ‘falling in love’. It just happens. Like tripping on a rock….like stubbing your toe on a concrete block….like waking up naked in a raccoon cage at the petting zoo. It happens to all of us sooner or later.

I watch my boys with their dating and the good times and bad times it brings to them. The many hours of pain they will deal with as they go through break-ups and other normal parts of dating. I’ll console them and tell them it’ll be ok…then I’ll point and laugh and tell them we all have to go through it - while they cry their eyes out. I’ll warn them not to let their tears get on the couch because we just had it cleaned….then get them a towel soaked with chloroform. That way at least they’ll pass out and not have to deal with the heartache. I’m such a good Dad.

Depending on your perspective – your past experience – or your present experience – love is wonderful….or love sucks. I’m sorry if you have fallen in love and lost. I’m very happy for you if you have fallen in love and won. All in all it’s a pretty weird phenomenonandonandon.


Fun fact for the day: ……”It’s better to have loved and lost then to have been stuck with the hairy lady at Walmart.”

1 comment:

Jill said...

Well, that was an exhausting display of uncontrollable laughter on my end!